This AHA course is designed for healthcare providers and all others who need to know how to perform CPR.
Upon Completion Students will know: High quality CPR for adults, infants and children
The importance of early AED use
The proper use and importance of a barrier device
The Importance of team resuscitation and each member’s roles
Relief of foreign body obstructions.

This AHA course is designed for healthcare professionals who direct or participate in cardiac arrest and cardiovascular emergencies.
Upon completion students will know: BLS skills including chest compressions and use of AED and Bag mask ventilation.
Recognition and management of peri-arrest conditions such as symptomatic bradycardia
Pharmacology related to cardiovascular emergencies
Management of ACS and Strokes
This AHA course is designed for healthcare providers who respond to emergencies involving infants and children.
Upon completion students will know: Perform high‐quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) per American Heart Association (AHA) basic life support (BLS) recommendations
- Recognize cardiopulmonary arrest early and begin CPR within 10 seconds
- Apply team dynamics
- Differentiate between respiratory distress and failure
- Perform early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
- Differentiate between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
- Perform early interventions for the treatment of shock
- Differentiate between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
- Describe clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
- Implement post–cardiac arrest management

This class is designed for healthcare providers who may be involved in responding to cardiovascular emergencies. It a great pre-course for students looking to take ACLS and PALS as it covers EKG identification as well as medications. In addition, a Certificate of course completion will be provided which meets many hospital requirements for EKG rhythm identification coursework.
Upon Completion students will know: how to read and interpret an ekg rhythm strip
EKG and 12 lead placement and review
What medication are involved in cardiovascular emergencies and when to give them
Drug dosages, indications, and contraindications.
Basic IV theory and Practice course
This course is designed for both nursing and paramedic students who are entry level providers of intravenous therapies. Additionally it is also beneficial to those providers transitioning into practice needing IV insertion review.
Upon completion of this course Students will know: What the indications and uses for Intravenous therapy are
What are contraindications of IV therapy as well as possible side effects
What equipment are needed for IV therapy as well as proper assembly
Psychomotor skills and practice in order to be successful in your IV insertion attempts